What does the word “skinny” mean to you? Our culture tells us that “skinny” is what women should be striving for, that skinny and perfection will make us happy. But being perfect is exhausting, isn’t it? We’re constantly counting calories and beating ourselves up, never quite feeling good enough. What if we spent all that […]
Coping with a Travel Nightmare

I love to travel. There is true excitement in being in a different place and experiencing something for the first time. Taking my son to visit colleges in North Carolina, Colorado, and New Orleans has been an adventure. However, as you know, airplane travel is not always seamless and there seem to be more delays […]
A college mishap that turned into a blessing: The case of the missing laundry

My son, Alex is a college sophomore who has always been independent and typically answers questions in less than 2 words. I have never been a helicopter mom and believe that kids should work out their own problems and failures are opportunities for kids to learn. Having said that, this is what happened last […]
College Drop Off: An emotional rollercoaster

The last week of August, I officially began the process of emptying the nest. Although I still have one still at home, dropping my son off at college ignited a rollercoaster ride of emotion. If I ever needed mindfulness to help me through something, this was it. As evolution would have it, a teenager ready […]
Mindful doesn’t mean “nice”

Why do people think mindful means nice? When I’m out with friends or family and I say something sarcastic or get upset about something, I often hear, “I thought you were so mindful.” Well let me just clarify. Mindful doesn’t mean nice. It can mean compassionate, and I do believe that I have compassion for […]
A small glitch in my vacation

This past holiday weekend, I had an amazingly scenic trip to the mountains of Colorado. We first visited my favorite place in the country, Boulder, and enjoyed the foodie nature of the town, unlimited gluten-free options, great unique boutiques, hiking, a Red Rocks concert and more. Then it was off to Vail, where allergies, the altitude and a summer cold caught up with me. […]
Make the most out of summer!

Ah, summer is officially here; the warm weather, the slower pace. Maybe you’re working less and/or your kids are off to camp, or your getting ready for a fun summer vacation. Either way, how do we savor this precious time of year? Our anxiety should be going down, but I found myself waking up anxious […]
Mindfulness in a Crazy World

Lately, it seems like on a weekly basis we are hearing about some awful terrorist attack, or act of gun violence. Our flags are constantly at half mast, and we barely mourn one tragedy before another one hits. This is a constant reminder of how intolerance, hate and racism are still present around the world. […]
The Adventurous Spirit

Endings are naturally sad and beginnings are naturally scary. The end of the school year is bittersweet. June is full of graduations, whether it be from high school or simply moving up to the next school or grade. Wrapping up the year comes with many feelings, some of accomplishment, pride and excitement, and some of […]
Chaotic is the New Happy

When Grace asked me to write an essay on “Happy Homes,” I chuckled a bit to myself! I’m not sure what goes on in your house, but in mine, it is certainly not always happy. I would describe my home as a loving, accepting, nurturing environment, but a bit chaotic and tense at times. Overall, […]