What does the word “skinny” mean to you? Our culture tells us that “skinny” is what women should be striving for, that skinny and perfection will make us happy. But being perfect is exhausting, isn’t it? We’re constantly counting calories and beating ourselves up, never quite feeling good enough. What if we spent all that […]
Why we Need Mindfulness in our Lives
If we take care of our minds, thoughts and emotions, we will be a better parent, spouse, co-worker and friend in addition to becoming the best versions of ourselves. Our current lifestyles are already fast paced, hectic and chaotic, but politics, technology, 24-hour news cycles, and social media are pushing us over the edge. We are […]
Coping with a Travel Nightmare

I love to travel. There is true excitement in being in a different place and experiencing something for the first time. Taking my son to visit colleges in North Carolina, Colorado, and New Orleans has been an adventure. However, as you know, airplane travel is not always seamless and there seem to be more delays […]
7 tips to improve your relationship

Since Valentines Day is approaching, let’s talk relationships. Relationships can be difficult to manage, whether it is a spouse, significant other, parent or friend. It is hard not to be hurt when you perceive that someone wronged you in some way. Here are a few things to remember when sensitivity shows up and you find […]
I gained at least 5lbs…. and what I’m going to do about it

“I’ve decided I’ll never get down to my original weight and I’m okay with that. After all, 6 pounds and 14 ounces is just not realistic.” I can’t say it wasn’t expected. Visiting my mom at her club in Florida is fabulous and I am so grateful for her health, hospitality and abundance of food. […]
The Joy of Gratitude

“Instead of always searching and grasping for more, gratitude allows us to appreciate what we have now. Cultivating joy requires building the gratitude muscle as part of our daily and weekly workouts. Only in this rep-set, we ditch the wishing, complaining and striving, and refocus on noticing what is going well in our lives right […]
A college mishap that turned into a blessing: The case of the missing laundry

My son, Alex is a college sophomore who has always been independent and typically answers questions in less than 2 words. I have never been a helicopter mom and believe that kids should work out their own problems and failures are opportunities for kids to learn. Having said that, this is what happened last […]
I’m Turning 50!

I know your probably saying to yourself, “how can she possibly be 50?” but it’s true :). A friend once told me,”40 is the old age of youth, and 50 is the youth of old age.” I guess I will now be the youngest of the oldest. It’s just a number anyway, right? Well it […]
A Night to Remember

I am still on such a high from my book talk and signing at The Chappaqua Library, where I discussed my newly released book, Mindful is the New Skinny: 10 Transformational Steps to a Lighter You Inside & Out. I spoke about how difficult the process of writing and publishing a book was for me; […]
Lessons from a Golf Lesson

Recently, a friend asked me to take a golf lesson with her. Now, I have never played golf, sure I’ve played mini-golf and have stood frustrated as the windmill kept batting my ball back to me, but actual golf – not so much. Reluctantly, I agreed thinking in addition to some embarrassment I might enjoy […]