The kids are growing up and life marches on… and its ok!

While driving my son to school for his final this morning, so many feelings came flooding in. I started tearing up, and my high schooler had no clue why I’d be getting emotional about his ending his sophomore year. There were so many reasons, many of which I couldn’t begin to explain to him. It represented so many things to me, including my own long lost days of high school and the fact that he is growing up so darn fast.

This time of the year is so busy, and I have a plethora of things on my to do list today, but I took some time out to process these feelings and allow myself to feel them, and have compassion for myself. I sat for 10 minutes and let these feelings expand and wash over me. I acknowledged that my children are growing up, and its all ok. This is how life is supposed to be, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Accepting what is, is one of the tenets of mindfulness and we all know we cant stop time. In my own way, I am ready for the next phase, but letting go and moving on is so difficult for all of us. At the end of the car ride, my son says to me, “I bet your the only mother who is getting emotional about this.” I bet he’s wrong.