Savoring Summer….

As summer comes to an end, we want to savor the relaxed feeling that we enjoyed these past few months. Why do we enjoy travel and vacations so much? Not only are they relaxing and we get a break from our daily lives, but when we are away, we tend to fully be in the present moment. On my recent trip to a farm and winery in Milton, NY, I was blown away by the landscape, interesting animals, and views from a top a mountain during a hike. This definitely was not what I am used to seeing every day. When we see new things and places, we tend to be fully in that moment and appreciate the beauty that lies before us. We really pay attention to our surroundings and our minds are focused on what we see, hear, and feel, not what we did yesterday or what will be doing tomorrow. This is another reason why we tend to feel so relaxed on vacations.

I recall when my nieces were here from California, they were amazed of the beauty of this area which I live. I take time to notice the beauty from time to time, but I pass the same scenery daily, and seeing it through their eyes made it all the more beautiful. Seeing something for the first time, with a “Beginners Mind” allows you to be more open and grateful. Slowing down to appreciate the beauty around you, and even thinking out of the box, or a fresh new way to solve a problem, can bring more joy and reduce the stress in your life. So even though vacations are coming to an end for now, you can savor some of that relaxation by keeping your mind in the present moment, slowing down and appreciating the beauty right in front of you!

Stay tuned for my article in Inside Chappaqua and Armonk on Back to School… “Ready or not, here it comes!”
SERENITY NOW – Moving from Craziness to Happiness using Mindfulness and Meditation.

September 30, 7-8:30 Chappaqua Continuing Education at Horace Greeley HS.
What exactly is mindfulness and how can it help you reduce stress, quiet the mind and experience more joy and peace? Some benefits include realizing you are not your thoughts; not sweating the small stuff; appreciating things more; developing greater compassion; and learning the art of acceptance. If this sounds enticing, come learn the simple techniques you can use anytime and anywhere to feel better.

Introducing Mindfulness Bootcamp: Gain strength from the inside out.

4 weeks in October. Wednesdays 11:00-12:30
Are you dealing with overload in your life? Have you lost the ability to relax and enjoy the moment? Maybe you overreact at the slightest disturbance, or are completely distracted and distant from everything going on around you?

Lose the pounds of mental clutter and go from frantic to fabulous.