I’m back from vacation, and once again, my pants are a bit too tight and my muffin top is making a reappearance in a big way. Why do I do this to myself? Gelato every night and every meal out for a full week. This was bound to have an impact. My usual reaction is […]
Fallen off the resolution wagon?

I’m sure you are all well into your New Years resolutions by now and some of you are still going strong, while others have already fallen off the wagon. This time of year can be overwhelming because you have such grand plans for January and it can be disappointing when you cannot stick to your […]
What are you forgetting?

As we sprint through our lives, get distracted by our smart phones and check off our to do lists, are there things we are missing or forgetting? During holiday time this can be exceptionally challenging as there is so much to do! Life is going at record speed and we don’t always pay attention and […]
The #1 indicator of happiness

The weather outside is turning colder and the winter blues can set in. I personally am not a big fan of the cold weather. The holidays are coming ready or not, and this too can put a lot of stress on us. Thanksgiving is upon us and its a great time to set our mindset […]
What to do with that yucky feeling

We all have times when we are hurt by a friend or family member, or feel sad if our child is left out, etc etc. This will happen to all of us and it is part of the human experience, but it still sucks. It’s how we deal with the pain that makes the difference. […]
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone

I received a candle with the above quote from one of my clients. I’m so glad that message resonated with her, as it rings so true for me as well. Most of us are afraid of the unknown and pushing ourselves beyond our limits. We are comfortable with the familiar, and have trouble with change, […]
Mindfulness with Teens

How sad are these pictures below? Unfortunately this is where our young people are headed. I saw the middle picture on FB, a and it really resonated with me. The other two pics are my son and his posse. Is there hope for our children? Will they be present enough to appreciate the world around […]
Savoring Summer….

As summer comes to an end, we want to savor the relaxed feeling that we enjoyed these past few months. Why do we enjoy travel and vacations so much? Not only are they relaxing and we get a break from our daily lives, but when we are away, we tend to fully be in the […]
The kids are growing up and life marches on… and its ok!

While driving my son to school for his final this morning, so many feelings came flooding in. I started tearing up, and my high schooler had no clue why I’d be getting emotional about his ending his sophomore year. There were so many reasons, many of which I couldn’t begin to explain to him. It […]
Lessons From Yelling at My Kids

Whenever I do a “mindful parenting” group or workshop, the number one struggle of all parents is how do I stop yelling at my kids? They know its wrong, but can’t control it. We all do it, including myself. I often feel like a hypocrite teaching these workshops when I am guilty of the same […]