I am writing this the day after the election and I can’t seem to shake this gnawing in the pit of my stomach; this sense of impending doom. I’m sad and afraid for so many reasons. I’m sad that our deserving neighbor didn’t break the glass ceiling and become our next President, and I’m fearful […]
When your family disagrees with your politics….

Family gatherings can have their moments of stress, but post election divisiveness makes this Thanksgiving particularly dicey. What do you do when your family disagrees with your politics? Here are some suggestions: Avoidance: Cancel your plans. This may not be practical or desirable, and may make things worse. Not your best option. Make a pact: […]
A Time for Healing

After this divisive election, it is time to come together as a nation and start the healing process. The campaign was particularly disturbing to most, and brought out the worst in people across the nation. The passion for the candidates (or lack of passion) was palpable, and our tolerance for one another was at an […]
“An Attitude of Gratitude”

“If we are not grateful for what we have, what makes us think we’d be happy with more?” Being charged with writing an article on gratitude I was forced to think about what I am truly grateful for, and what I could possibly write about on this topic. Of course, I’m grateful for the obvious […]
Tired of the Fat Talk- 6 Ways to get back on track

‘The meal isn’t over when I’m full, it’s over when I hate myself’ -Louis C.K. After the summer or any vacation, my friends and I can be heard talking about how fat and disgusted we are with ourselves, and how we need to take drastic measures to fit into our clothes. There is a desperation […]
Mindfulness in a Crazy World

Lately, it seems like on a weekly basis we are hearing about some awful terrorist attack, or act of gun violence. Our flags are constantly at half mast, and we barely mourn one tragedy before another one hits. This is a constant reminder of how intolerance, hate and racism are still present around the world. […]
What I learned this summer….

“That which is personal is the most general.” Carl Jung We really are all struggling with the same thing, in different ways. Summer is a great time to care for yourself. Schedules and routines slow down, kids are occupied, and you have time to explore new places. I recently took time out to attend a […]
The Adventurous Spirit

Endings are naturally sad and beginnings are naturally scary. The end of the school year is bittersweet. June is full of graduations, whether it be from high school or simply moving up to the next school or grade. Wrapping up the year comes with many feelings, some of accomplishment, pride and excitement, and some of […]
Do Argue with Reality?

How many times a day are you judging what is happening around you? “I wish I didn’t have to drive carpool today. I don’t like how he said that to me. I ate too much- I’m fed up with myself.” When we argue with what is, it can cause us tremendous stress. We don’t have […]
Chaotic is the New Happy

When Grace asked me to write an essay on “Happy Homes,” I chuckled a bit to myself! I’m not sure what goes on in your house, but in mine, it is certainly not always happy. I would describe my home as a loving, accepting, nurturing environment, but a bit chaotic and tense at times. Overall, […]