We all have times when we are hurt by a friend or family member, or feel sad if our child is left out, etc etc. This will happen to all of us and it is part of the human experience, but it still sucks. It’s how we deal with the pain that makes the difference. Some of us will run to a bottle of wine, surf the internet, or distract ourselves in some way so we don’t have to feel. What this does is bury the feeling deeper, leaving it to rear its ugly head at some point in the future when the same scenario happens again. It may be gone, but not forgotten.
Some of us obsess over it to the point of not being able to focus on anything else. We cannot let it go, and give it way to much attention. Either way of coping may be too extreme. I am suggesting allow the feeling to be there. Honor that you feel this way, even if you think you shouldn’t be worrying about something so trivial. Remember that we cannot help how we feel, we can only help how we think about the situation. So, feel what you feel, but try to calm the thoughts down. You can do this by focusing on your breath. This may be difficult at first, but maybe counting the inhales and exhales may help. Then try to allow the feeling in your body to be there and focus on where its located. Is it in your heart, chest, stomach? Truly allow it to expand in your body and give it room. If its not connected to your thinking, it will pass. Get out of your head and into your body. You’ll be amazed how much better you’ll feel after such a simple strategy!