Tired of the Fat Talk- 6 Ways to get back on track

‘The meal isn’t over when I’m full, it’s over when I hate myself’ -Louis C.K.

After the summer or any vacation, my friends and I can be heard talking about how fat and disgusted we are with ourselves, and how we need to take drastic measures to fit into our clothes. There is a desperation that comes with this, and a desire to look and feel good about ourselves. We just indulged in ice cream nightly for at least 7 days, filled up at buffets, and went out for dinner every single night. What’s a girl to do? No one has that much willpower. I agree that it is time to get back on track, get back into our routines and pay attention to our food choices. It is the self hatred that I can do without. When did our self worth become tied into our body image? I truly am resentful of a culture that does that to women. We are programmed that way. How do we combat this misery we put ourselves through? Here are 6 ways to combat the food coma and get back on track.

1. Compassion. Give yourself a break. You are human and get pleasure from food. This doesn’t mean you have to combat stress with food, but its ok if you socially indulged in going out for ice cream with your kids.

2. Observe the commentary. Listen to the negative self talk and snap yourself out of it. You may have went off the rails for a week or so, but lets face it, your not a horrible person. Notice when you are telling yourself that you are disgusting, and redirect to positive energy of planning your next meal.

3. Just say no to fad diets. Diets don’t work, but mindful eating does. Start to plan your meals and pay attention to what you are putting in your mouth. Taste your food, eat slowly, and enjoy the bites.

4. Think like a thin person. Visualize yourself how you want to look and make choices like that person would. I’m not talking about fasting or calorie restriction here, but good mindful choices, with mindful portions.

5. Routine Routine Routine. Now that summer is over, you will get back to your routine of home cooked meals, smoothies and tea with a square of dark chocolate for dessert. Simply by eliminating all the ice cream shops, meals out, and getting back to your exercise routine, you will naturally get back on track.

6.Take a photo blog of your food. Instead of a food journal, take a picture of everything you eat before you eat it. This will make you pause before you eat, make you accountable, and stop your mindless snacking!

SO, no need to verbally abuse yourself, just get to it!