Since spring is finally here, I thought I would write about the springtime ritual, the manna peda. Getting a manicure/pedicure is a luxury, to be fully enjoyed and appreciated. So, before the April break, I went for a pampering to be ready for the warm weather. I went with the intention that I was going […]
Lessons From a Bar Mitzvah

I recently celebrated my son becoming a Bar Mitzvah. It was so wonderful to celebrate it, or any joyous occasion with all your close family and friends. This joy is what we see on Facebook, including my own postings after my sons party, “it doesn’t get any better than this.” At the service, and after […]
Lessons From a Tragedy

It is always more difficult to mourn when death is unexpected and tragic. The recent horrific train crash in Westchester this month where five people were randomly taken from us, doesn’t make any sense. The impermanence and uncertainty of life is very difficult for us to wrap our heads around. What lessons can we learn […]
We Should All Be Contestants on “Survivor”

The Buddha says “life is suffering.” The more we can accept this noble truth, the more we can be content. We have to stop resisting our pain, and allow it to be there, because no one is exempt. Our brains are wired from an evolutionary standpoint to survive, not be happy. We have a built […]
Why Mindfulness

Most of us go through life on auto-pilot, and we react to situations based on our past experiences. Our thoughts have been programmed from a young age. We come into the world a clean slate, and everything that we encounter codes our brain to respond a certain way. We tend to listen to ideas that […]