
Inner and Outer Beauty Event

Date Oct. 24th 7:00- 9:00.

At Rocks Jewelry, Gifts, Home, 480 Bedford Rd. Chappaqua NY in Chappaqua Crossing (across from Whole Foods)

"Please join us for an evening filled with beauty tips and tricks from International Make Up Artist Sarah Brianna and some mindful practices from “Mindful Is the New Skinny” author Jodi Baretz. The evening will start with a guided meditation to ground and relax you so you can absorb all Sarah’s celebrity skin care beauty secrets. The evening will finish with Sarah showing a few of her favorite multi-tasking make up essentials for the gal on the go. This is an evening that will surely be as transformative as it is informative, and everyone will leave with an awesome swag bag. Come learn, love and connect.”

For more information on Sarah Brianna please visit or


Fall Book Tour Dates- Mindful Is the New Skinny

Bronxville Adult School          Bronxville, NY           Oct. 15th        7:00pm

JCC of Central NJ                    Scotch Plains, NJ       Nov 10th       12:00pm

JCC MetroWest                        West Orange, NJ        Nov 14th        7:00pm

Wellness by the Water (2)

Wellness by the Water with Houlihan Lawrence and Team ChapPinkqua

September 13th 9:00-10:15 am at Hidden Hollow Lake, Millwood

Laughter Yoga with Donna Bernstein

Yoga with Debbie Avidane & Eliza Packard

Meditation with Jodi Baretz

$30 to benefit American Cancer Soceity's Making Strides. RSVP:

Serenity Now: Mindfulness in a Changing World

For WeWork/Conductor

Our current lifestyles are already fast paced, hectic and chaotic, but politics, technology, 24 hour news cycles, and social media are pushing us over the edge. How can we possibly manage it all, especially in the workplace?

A calm, stable, focused workforce gets the job done more efficiently, creatively and precisely. Jodi offers an overview of mindfulness benefits, techniques and how one can apply it in their everyday life to become a more effective employee (and an all around happier person).

 Mindfulness Meditation and Inspiration Retreat

Want to learn a simple way to manage anxiety and calm your mind?

This retreat is for women who need a morning to rest, rejuvenate and spring into spring with a mindful attitude and zest for life. Learn meditation and other mindset shifts that will bring more peace and ease into your day to day chaos. Meditations will include sitting, walking and lying down, and mindfulness exercises will be taught to help manage difficult thoughts, feelings and sensations. You will leave with tools and techniques to have a stress less, self-compassionate spring. All levels welcome.

Jodi is inspired by Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD.,who studied Buddhist philosophy, and made it accessible to us by creating a secular and scientific based program called Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. Kabat-Zinn founded this program at University of Massachusetts Medical School, which is now taught throughout the country and world.

Saturday April 27th 10-12:30: The Center for Health and Healing, 4 Smith Ave, Mt. Kisco

$85 per person

Beginners welcome! Instruction will be given. Great place to learn!

Based on the book Mindful is the New Skinny by Jodi Baretz, LCSW

Mindful Is the New Skinny- How to lighten up inside and out- for good!

Join psychotherapist and holistic health coach Jodi Baretz for a meditation and to learn a sane and sustainable approach to ending the love-hate relationship with food and equally important, with yourself. Baretz will share tips and techniques to change your mindset, curb unrealistic perfectionism, tackle cravings and combat stress for a happier, healthier, lighter you!

The Polo Club, Boca Raton, Fl, Tuesday Feb 26th, 4:00-5:00pm
Morgan Stanley, Boca Raton, Fl, TBD

Chappaqua Continuing Education, Greeley High School, Tuesday, March 26th at 7:00pm Sign up here! OR 914-238-7201x 2318

Mindfulness Retreat with "Maximize Your Talent"

Join psychotherapist and holistic health coach Jodi Baretz for a meditation retreat where we will learn mindfulness concepts and how to meditate to fit into your crazy busy life. Treat yourself to an afternoon where you take a break from the daily chaos and learn mindset and techniques to decrease stress and increase joy.

Sunday, Feb 10th, 2:30-5:00pm: The New York Open Center, 22 E. 30th Street- NYC
Monday, February 11th, 2:30-5:00pm: The Center for Health and Healing, 4 Smith Ave, Mt. Kisco


Book signing and talk

Ditch the Diet New Years Resolution- Meditation, book signing and talk

Join psychotherapist and holistic health coach Jodi Baretz for a meditation and to learn a sane and sustainable approach to ending the love-hate relationship with food and equally important, with yourself. Baretz will share tips and techniques to change your mindset, curb unrealistic perfectionism, tackle cravings and combat stress for a happier, healthier, lighter you!

Athleta Scarsdale , Sunday, January 13th, 10:00am -2:00pm POSTPONED!! TBD.
White Plains Library, Wednesday, January 16th, 7:00pm

BNY Mellon Wealth Management
High Tea and Book Signing


Jodi will touch upon the too many demands and unrealistic expectations of perfect body and perfect life that women feel pressured upon to effortlessly "have it all". Stressed and overwhelmed, we often become burned out on diets, workloads and family obligations that create an inferior body image and a negative self-worth.

Thursday, October 18, 2018
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM

The Drawing Room
220 East Putnam Avenue
Cos Cob, CT 06807

Hosted By
Jamie O'Connell
Wealth Director
BNY Mellon Wealth Management 

Please respond by contacting Lorraine Bambino at
or 914 289 3054.


Book Talk at Chappaqua Library

 Jodi Baretz, LCSW

June 26th at 7:00 pm


Mindfulness and Psychotherapy in a Changing World

Understanding and practicing mindfulness with our clients and ourselves - New York State Society for Clinical Social Workers

 Jodi Baretz, LCSW

May 5, 2018


UJA Federation Lake Meditation and Book Talk

 Jodi Baretz, LCSW

May 30, 2018   9:45-11:15


Meditation Retreat

In this retreat, you will learn and experience: 

  • 10 transformational steps for feeling lighter inside and out.
  • A new way of thinking that will help you reduce stress and improve relationships.
  • Meditation instruction and meditations from the book.
  • Mindful eating, an intuitive approach to food without dieting.

This retreat will be a combination of meditation and discussion from Jodi’s new book, “Mindful is the New Skinny,” 10 transformational steps to a lighter you-inside and out. Jodi’s mission is to introduce you to mindfulness and meditation in a relatable way, with short effective techniques to reduce stress and improve relationships with your kids, spouse, body and self. No prior meditation experience required. 

Mindful is the New Skinny: Mini-Meditation 


Sunday, April 22nd, 2018 


Early Bird: $75 by March 22nd
Registration: $85 thereafter

Jodi's Programs and ongoing groups can be found in the Programs section.

Mindful MomsMeditation by the Lake